Archive | December 2013

Weekned Reveiw and Look Ahead 12/21/2013

A look back on the trading week, a look into what the next week as in store, my portfolio.

Weekned Review and Look Ahead 12/15/2013

A review of the previous week of trading, a look ahead of what will be moving the markets for next week, and an update on my portfolio

Account Update

On Friday I deposited $125 into my trading account which makes me 14% in cash. I like to keep my account at about 10% in cash just so I can have some money in reserve in cash I need to trade. I do this because I cant buy in big size in terms  of share count so it takes awhile for my trades to clear, and because of this I then have some restricted funds(funds i cant use for trading). I added some more cash so I can buy some off my stocks when they pose a good entry point and because I have have been doing pretty when for the past couple of months. I give these updates because I want to  be completely transparent with my performance.

why to stay long starbucks 12/10/2013

reasons on why to stay/be long starbucks

weekned reveiw and look ahead 12.7.2013

A review of the past week, a look ahead into next week, my portfolio, and stocks im watching

sunday reveiw and look ahead 12.1.2013

a review of last week, a look into next week, my stock picks, and a update on my positions